Office based cosmetic procedures includes:


The skin is made up of 2 components. The outer layer the epidermis and the inner the dermis. The epidermis is in a constant cycle of cell turnover. The outer most layer is usually made of adherent dead epidermal cells. Microdermabrasion is very effective method of removing this layer of the skin, restoring the natural glow of the more hydrated plump cell below. The procedure improves the texture of the skin. The procedure is best repeated on a monthly basis for maintenance. Its longterm use is the equivalent of the superficial to moderate depth peels with out the potential side effects of peels. The peak improvement with microdermabrasion is realized on the third day. The procedure is therefore most effective for a revitalizing your face few days in advance to an important social function that you want to be attending. It is very common for celebrities from the USA to do just that. Nevertheless it is one of the commonest procedure performed in the western world.

The use of microdermabrasion carries with it an added advantage. The use of rejuvenating creams containing active ingredients like Vitamin A, C, E etc. is able to penetrate the skin more effectively into the dermis. The higher concentration of active ingredients reached in the dermis is able to supply fuel for the collagen making cells, the fibroblasts. We will often combine microdermabrasion with creams containing these active ingredients for a longer lasting antiaging potential